@ Tracy Chipman - Storyteller / Proudly created with sweet creative juice & some cursing! Home page image by Elena Ray
“Breaking our silence is powerful. Whether it comes as a whisper or a squeak at first, allow that sense of spaciousness, of opening, allow yourself to trust the bottomlessness, and lean into the dark roar which will light up every cell."
~ Lucy H Pearce
Four women evolving their voices and sharing their truths.
Nancy Swisher, Christine Varnavas, Heather Hendrie and Tracy Chipman each
have singular and unique ways of expressing their wisdom and their voices in the world.
Then they each wrote a book about it. Join us to behold + be held through the power of women's voices. Walk away with new inspiration to express your own journey.
Each of us will share about our books, The Life offer a reading and follow up with a Q&A. This event is free though we are inviting attendees to participate in an optional fundraiser for various charities supporting women’s voices and social justice in the world.
Nancy shares her heroine's journey of finding her voice and standing behind it.
Christine speaks to the power of movement, laughter and fun that helped heal her sh!@t and find her happy.
Heather curates a collective of voices speaking to such taboo subjects as menstruation, PMDD, hot flashes and online dating.
Tracy invites us into the soul terrain of loss, place and grace.
The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own has been described as a heroine's journey, a story both remarkable and ordinary, and a book of depth and transformation. It shows us that the wound is not who we are. Nancy's writing is both lyrical and direct.
Nancy Swisher is an award-winning writer and holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction/Memoir from Vermont College of Fine Arts. As a transformational coach and spiritual mentor, Nancy has been supporting women to heal, transform, and evolve in consciousness for over 29 years. The newest iteration of her coaching practice is the Find Your Voice Upward Spiral Journey. Book link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945586001
Heather Hendrie
Heather Hendrie lives in Whistler, BC and on a whim and a laugh, self-published an anthology featuring stories of online dating and embarrassing moments shared by friends last year. The book became a best-seller (who knew!?!?) and won a readers’ choice award in Canada for 2023’s best anthology. She published a second anthology on International Women’s Day this year, highlighting the menstrual experience called awfully hilarious: period pieces. Learn more about Heather’s wilderness therapy practice at heatherhendrie.com and the awfully hilarious anthologies journey at awfullyhilarious.com. Book link: https://bookshop.org/a/99252/9781738803507
Heal Your Sh!t Find Your Happy is a call to action for women who manage anxiety, who gracefully (or not) handle the overwhelm and stress of life, maybe depression, who have felt like they were spinning out of control, who’ve ever been called “too much,” or who’ve often thought, “what is wrong with me?” It’s for adult survivors of childhood sexual assault and the people who love them. Author Christine Varnavas educates the reader on how stress and trauma work and how it affects us and those around us if not released; she also shares parts of her story, some not so fun things, and the amazing somatic (body-based) tools that showed up in her life to help her feel and heal just when she needed them. The invitation is to do the work in your body, in this lifetime, on this planet, right now, to heal and break the chain of generational trauma, using the wicked wisdom of our bodies and maybe have some fun doing it!
Christine Varnavas, MS is an educator, author, speaker, mother, a TRE® Global Certification Trainer, and a Women’s Wellness Advisor. Her passion for movement, laughter, and fun has fueled her teaching and training for over 30 years where she’s helped countless women globally to feel better in their skin and raise their resilience. She invites you to fall in love with taking care of yourself. Book link: https://christinevarnavas.com/hys-book/ also available through most major online sources.
Borealis Mundi – Resting in Place, Loss, and Grace is where Tracy journeys through the landscapes of love, longing and loss to recover and re-discover her life. This is a story for anyone who has been claimed by a place and the holy terrain of love, loss and rebirth. Book link: https://www.tracychipman.net/seasonal and https://bookshop.org/.../borealis-mundi.../20904115...
Tracy dwells in a boreal forest of northern Wisconsin, on Anishinaabe lands, near the magnificence that is Lake Superior. She weaves the ancient rivers of oral storytelling, mentoring and somatic practices creating unforgettable experiences inviting us towards more intimate connections with ourselves and life.
Join my mailing list & stay tuned for the next iteration of WOMEN'S VOICES - celebrating creative expression & aliveness in these wild times.

Tracy Chipman