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Friday & Monday class Links


Join ONLINE Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 825 2128 9403
Passcode: 435875

One tap mobile phone links:
+13126266799,,82521289403#,,,,,,0#,,435875# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,82521289403#,,,,,,0#,,435875# US (New York)


Dial by your location numbers:
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 825 2128 9403
Passcode: 435875
Find your local number:



Tips for Participating in Online Zoom Gatherings 


If you haven't used Zoom before, it is a web-based video conference platform.


To participate in a Zoom meeting, circle or event you’ll need:


• A computer or tablet (ideally one with a camera so we can see each other) with access to the internet.

• Earbuds or headphones are recommended for some meeting (not so much for yoga classes)  so we can hear each other well. 

• OR you can join by telephone if you aren’t able to access to the internet.

• You do NOT have to have a Zoom account.


To access the Zoom web video conference:


1. Click the link that will be provided via email. You will be prompted to download a small application file to run Zoom.

2. You access the audio through your computer by clicking “Join Audio by Computer” when the window pops up.

3. If you are having connectivity issues joining the Zoom call via the internet, or there is no internet, then join by telephone. The numbers will be on the invitation email.


Tips for participating in a Zoom circle:


1. Arrive early -- 10-15 minutes or so, ahead of time...especially if you need a short tutoial about Zoom. Arriving early also gives you time to  prepare, arrive and ground for the experience to come. It is a time to make space, put papers away, moving materials to another spot. Sometimes lighting a candle.  Setting out your yoga mat if that's the case and gather your props - especially a blanket.  Take some extra time to slow down and center before the circle/class begins. We can also fix any connectivity issues also during this time.  


3. Avoid distractions. Did you see that on your computer screen! An incoming email notification! A Facebook post from one of your favorite people! A news headline! A received text! It's beautiful that we can have so much information on our devices. But these wonderful notifications can also be very distracting. When possible, close the programs and notifications and put your phone on silent.


4. Close any unnecessary applications. It helps to minimize distractions as well as allowing processing power to be used to maximize the quality of your Zoom session.


5. Have what you need to take care of yourself.  We will not be taking a breaks during the online circle/classes, so have what you need to be comfortable (e.g. tea or coffee, yoga props - blanket for sure, extra water,  earbuds or headphones, etc).


6. When talking, give people verbal cues for what they might be lacking in visual cues. For example, saying something like “Thank you, I’m finished speaking.


7.  If you are new to Zoom arrive to the meeting a bit early (15 minutes and I will give short tutorial before hand) During the class/circle all particpants will be 'muted' so if you speak, sneeze or your dog barks the class won't be disturbed. You will be able to unmute yourself if you have a question or something to share. There is also a chat box accessible at the bottom of the Zoom screen where you can type in questions, etc.  More about all this during the Zoom tutorial.

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