I stood in the cafe of a memory care unit wondering what would happen next...an hour later I was almost weeping with thanks for their attention and kindness.
In a small town library performance five teenagers showed up (or were roped into it) to a telling, there were a few awkward moments and by the end of the performance they were wide-eyed with wonder.
It is always time for a story, there is always a need to hear a tale. well told!
Storytelling programs can be adapted to suit most any space and certainly with all ages. Here are a just a few possible performance offerings:​
One of my very most favorite places to linger, wander and perform. I am honored to have performed in many community libraries over the years, some little, some large. I offer programming for all ages for youth and adults. Please visit my Summer Reading Program page for more information about Summer Library Tellings.

Our youth thrive in the experience of storytelling. Now more than ever storytelling is vital to foster creative problem solving skills, facilitate oral expression and meet Core Curriculum requirement. Please contact me for more information about bringing a storytelling performance and/or a storytelling WORKSHOP to your school.

house concerts...
House concerts are not a new idea, they have been happening for hundreds of years. Recently, House Concerts are enjoying a bit of a renaissance. The intimate and evocative nature of storytelling lends itself well to the simple comfort of a house concert. The short & sweet on these sublime experiences is this. A creative culture loving soul hosts a "telling' in their home, they invite their friends or open it to the public. Folks pay to attend (usually about $10-15, which goes to the artist or teller in most cases). Nibbles, potlucks or full on meals, and desserts may or may not be involved. Each House Concert is as unique as the host. Some are cozy and sweet, others evocative, salon-like and deep. Intentions and 'themes' range from the nature of the universe, to tales from Scotland, to initiatory myth. Please connect with me to talk more or book a Storytelling House Concert.
storytelling with elders
Generally speaking the older, more mature generations have a deep, long standing connection with stories and storytelling. They grew up in a time and place when much of their communication with family, friends and the world happened orally, through the process of listening and telling. This growing sector of society needs art related experiences in their lives that helps, “promotes a vitality in the aging process, helps to build vibrant communities, and has positive results in both the physical and emotional states of the participants”
I have shared storytelling programs (both performances & workshops) in with elders in Memory Care Facilities, Nursing Home, and at Senior Centers and it has always been a joy! Please email me to book a performance.